Tablighi Jamaat fiasco must force the leaders of the movement to introspect on whether they wish to continue acting as sources of instability or as responsible citizens The Tablighi Jamaat episode, the deliberate and pre-meditated behaviour of the Tablighi kingpins and their entire Jamaat in trying to create a roadblock …
Real Representatives of People, the Road Ahead Nehru was livid that the Jana Sangh was formed. He had reserved his choicest election rhetoric and abuse for the new party and its founder president Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee. In one of those moments when he spewed venom at Dr Mookerjee’s efforts, …
Wish to remain communal, Worship India by being Indian… The Jana Sangh was eventually formed and announced on October 21 1951. There was very little time left for it to prepare, organise itself before taking the plunge in the whirlpool of electoral politics in form of the first general elections. …
Fulfilling Shivaji’s Dream, Jana Sangh’s Raison D’être, Secularism’s Contempt for Traditions… Besides being a quintessential organisational leader, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya’s persona had another outstanding dimension to it, not only was he a profound political philosopher, he also displayed a very interesting capacity of envisaging, articulating and expressing that philosophy in …
We are living in extremely paradoxical times. Savour here one example. We are living in extremely paradoxical times. Savour here one example. Having fanned the fires of violent protests against the historic Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), which was introduced and effectuated by Prime Minister Modi’s government and passed by both …
Mujib Barsha is the right time to call for an international trial of the Pakistani army for its role in the 1971 war crimes and genocide. Prime Minister Narebdra Modi’s address on the occasion of the inauguration of “Mujib Barsha” – Mujib Year – to celebrate the centenary of Bangabandhu …
PM Modi’s prompt response to the COVID-19 pandemic is emblematic of the required mindset and thrust of actions that are necessary in such trying times Prime Minister Modi has become the first world leader to speak of international and regional joint action in tackling the COVID-19 challenge. His convening the …
Agitators fanning communal fires and spreading misinformation fuelling anti-CAA protests are the true guilty party behind the unrest gripping the nation. The protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) have been continuing courtesy a certain section in the country. These protests are essentially against the Constitution of India and are …
This has become pattern in the last few years in West Bengal in which Hindus are being prevented from observing religious days and occasions, especially in areas in which they are a minority. This year a disturbing pattern was again seen in West Bengal during the Saraswati Puja. The students …
Opposition to CAA, aside from blatantly pandering to certain votebanks, also constitutes a wilful ignorance to the historical threats posed by theocratic state actors towards religious minorities This long article is ‘dedicated’ to Professor Pranab Bardhan, a Bengali Hindu crypto-communist, who has lived and taught in the United States for …
Jogendra Nath Mandal’s 115th birth anniversary passed on January 29. It is interesting to observe that Mandal’s legacy has made a comeback to a certain extent, at least, among a section. The communists and the self-proclaimed Dalit leaders, whose principal protest points these days are the steps of the Jama …
There has never been a government as pro-India as the one led by Narendra Modi. Those who hardly move out and yet spin theories of youth “uprising” against Modi live in a make-shift world of make-belief; they have no clue as to the real India, the India of the masses, …
Divisive Anti-CAA stand taken by the left runs contrary to its historical stance on the issue, likely resulting from irrational rejection of the Modi government The communist parties of India have a history of being proponents and supporters of separatism and of forces and elements which represent, articulate or symbolise …
In a ludicrous and crass display of hate towards India’s Constitution, her basic federal structure and spirit, the CPIM government in Kerala passed an anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) resolution calling for it to be scrapped. The Congress party, which has now become the principal instrument for fomenting, articulating and perpetuating …