With the aim of civilisational harmony, Prime Minister Modi has been adept at crafting a stable foreign policy for India. That India’s foreign outreach has become resilient, imaginative, pragmatic and bold in the last four years is an undeniable fact. Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Israel, the first by an …
When Narendra Modi addressed workers of BJP on the day Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh was won, he presciently cautioned them that in the days to come, serious efforts would be made by some sections to spread the poison of casteism and strife. “It has taken a lifetime,” Modi noted, “for …
The Gujarat election results which have seen a sixth consecutive victory for the Bharatiya Janata Party has been interpreted in an interesting way by the losers and by those who support the losers and side with them in order to try and buttress their pipe dream of leading India in …
The Prime Minister has shed his aloofness for good. The conduct of the principal opposition party and especially its dynastic scion and his courtiers during the Gujarat election should set alarm bells ringing. Mani Shankar’s Aiyar’s casteist expletive hurled at Prime Minister Modi, Rahul Gandhi’s cavalier attitude towards that expletive …
While some latently promote separatism in the state, Narendra Modi has displayed firm resolve in battling the J&K crisis. It is the time for sulk-induced irresponsible utterances. Let us sample a few such expressions. Yashwant Sinha, a former union foreign minister and finance minister breaks bread with separatists and India …
The centenary of the revolution that heralded communism as a creed has come and gone. Communism across the world has nearly disappeared and therefore, there were no celebrations of the anniversary. The Indian communists preferred to remain silent, writing a few anodyne articles, and belching out a few perfunctory slogans …
Doklam has fallen silent, the CPC party Congress has also come and passed with President Xi’s position only further strengthened, as some argue that Xi’s stature has now attained or will eventually attain the relevance of Mao. It appears that Xi’s staunch and unequivocal advocacy of the Chinese dream has …
The hatred for Narendra Modi and Amit Shah that Rahul Gandhi and his Congress party display has the near same intensity as the hatred that Rahul Gandhi’s great great grandfather had displayed towards Savarkar. The only difference is that Nehru had some sort of an intellectual standing and an undeniable …
Prime Minister Modi’s recently concluded trip to Myanmar has ensured that relationship between the two countries goes to the next stage, keeping in view the present evolving geostrategic realities in the region. Apart from the various MoUs signed, the various ratifications that have taken place, the major takeaway of this …
The appearance of Vivekananda at Chicago as a representative of Hindus and India, showed, as Sri Aurobindo, argued, that “the spiritual ideas” for which India stood was no longer a defensive one, but an “aggressive and invading” one, which challenged the “materialised mentality of the Occident.” The Swami’s appearance at …
Communism, observed British conservative philosopher Roger Scruton, “is through and through dependent on paranoia – a kind of grand conspiracy theory designed to manufacture illusory enemies so as to maintain itself in being.” In the last three and a half years that Narendra Modi has been in power, there have …
Many an Indian apologist for Chinese expansionism have, over the last one month and more, prolifically written on how the Narendra Modi government’s handling of the current Doklam issue will only aggravate the situation and will not serve the cause of India’s stability and the larger cause of “peace” in …
Sometime in 1982, a youthful and energetic worker of the Gujarat BJP, in charge of managing venues and logistics for party meetings and for ensuring that there was a sufficient supply of water and tea, had argued, in a letter, written to a senior leader of the state that a …
Dialogue of civilisations and through it, a deeper and lasting coalition of civilisations and of cultures is what is needed in order to create and restructure future global alignments. The increasing challenges to the dimensions of civilisations as we see them today are making leaders – intellectual, political, religious and …