The CPI(M) government led by P Vijayan in Kerala is continuing with its extreme mistreatment, oppression and denigration of Ayyappa devotees on their way to Sabarimala in the midst of their unwavering penance and arduous pilgrimage. The inhuman crackdown on Ayyappa devotees, especially young women and the aged is the …
A former Governor of West Bengal, former diplomat and grandson of the Mahatma – Gopal Krishna Gandhi – who has been, throughout his working life, a closet apologist for the Congress dynasty has in a recent political analysis in a national daily called for a “Bhaya Mukt” and “Bhrasht Mukt” …
That the building of the Statue of Unity could be conceived and executed with steady determination and unfailing zeal is something that has unnerved the Congress party, especially its president, whose family has had a history of despising and trying to marginalise Sardar Patel’s legacy, especially his epochal contribution in …
Global recognition blows a hole in the criticism against Modi regarding his governance and conviction The Seoul Peace Prize Committee’s citation gives us a real idea of how the world views Narendra Modi. Its words are an authentic assessment of the narrative that Prime Minister Modi has articulated and shaped …
If Mahatma Gandhi were to return to India today, two things would attract his attention. One, he would most certainly shower approbation, and another, he would definitely frown and cast opprobrium. The first to attract Bapu and to receive his blessings would be this herculean effort to transform our approach …
India is the inspiring mother and the fountainhead of all that it espouses and embodies in the Sangh RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat’s historic and unprecedented outreach, over the three days in the national capital, has gone a long way in countering the false and vicious propaganda that has continuously …
He has turned every public foreign visit into an occasion to launch into a confused rant Each time Congress president Rahul Gandhi goes abroad – not on undeclared and undisclosed private visits – but on well publicised, poorly planned and ill-conceived “lecture tours”, we are reminded that Congress has already …
In a short life of fifty-two years, Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee achieved much. The last most historic initiative of his life, the founding of Bharatiya Jana Sangh (BJS), the precursor to today’s BJP, an initiative that would, in the course of decades, alter the course of Indian politics, was an …
Despite strong and continuous attempts by certain motivated sections to divert the governance narrative towards negativity and falsity, the narrative of governance espoused and established by Narendra Modi continues to be transformative in nature and substance. In the last four years that he has been at the helm, Modi has …
Russia’s Indologists have historically been committed to our country’s culture and society – an important marker for diplomatic deliberations Anirban Ganguly | 2 May 2018 9:31 PM Historically, the Russian city of Saint Petersburg and especially the Saint Petersburg State University, known in the past as the Imperial University, has produced a …
In her later years, Nivedita’s desire to uplift her Mother India gained further momentum as she vociferously strove to further her Master’s revered legacy. As a part of her multi-dimensional action, in the later years of her life, till 1911, Nivedita’s activities saw a prolific output in terms of talks, …
A beacon of true patriotism, Sister Nivedita’s devotion to her Mother India was unflinching even in the face of deepest adversity. Sister Nivedita’s gradual identification with Indian conditions and aspirations eventually saw the dissolution of her early aspiration of bringing India and her coloniser together. Her increasing exposure to Indian …
It was a capacity of losing herself in the immensity of India, her ceaseless striving to understand India and to approach her in the spirit of the learner that left an impression on those who worked with her or came fleetingly in touch with her, writes Anirban Ganguly. One of …
Having received the final welcome from her Master Swami Vivekananda, Sister Nivedita set sail for India. It was the beginning of an eventful and unique journey – that left an indelible mark on the soul of the nation – and ended in the early hours of 13th October 1911 the day …