
Glimpses: Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman”- 2024: Domohani, Bankura..

Glimpses: Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman”- 2024: Domohani, Bankura. Guru Ma Saraswati Hansda’s Ashram Durga Puja is being observed for the last two decades. Guru Ma Saraswati Hansda is a widely revered figure and a large number of adherents participate in this #durgapuja – organised by women from the Janajati community. …


Mahapanchami, “Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman”

Mahapanchami, “Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman”- 2024, Hanskhali, Nadia. #DurgaPuja


Glimpses: “Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman

Glimpses: “Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman”, Mahapanchami, Badkulla, Nadia. #DurgaPuja


Glimpses: Mahasashti: “Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman

Glimpses: Mahasashti: “Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman”, Kumarpur Mahila Parichalita Durgabari Samiti, Contai, Purba Midnapore. A 120 member women committee have been organising this Puja for over two decades…A unique #DurgaPuja – Puja starts on Mahalaya and continues till Dashami. 700 plus people are given Bhog everyday consisting of 108 items …


Glimpses: Mahapanchami, “Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman”

Glimpses: Mahapanchami, “Syama Prasad Durgotsav Samman” Krishnanagar, Nadia. #DurgaPuja


The vision of #ViksitBharat and the resolve to realise that vision in #Amritkaal

The vision of #ViksitBharat and the resolve to realise that vision in #Amritkaal will be lasting tributes to the life, legacy and philosophy of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya. On the occasion of his birth anniversary spoke on Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya at Agartala. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tripura Prof Dr @DrManikSaha2 was …


Hon’ble Chief Minister, we were delighted to call on you

Hon’ble Chief Minister, we were delighted to call on you and to be warmly received by you. It was very interesting to listen to your thoughtful insights on various issues of contemporary relevance.


Dr. @anirbanganguly , Chairman, @spmrfoundation reflected on how Deendayal Upadhyaya’s

Dr. @anirbanganguly , Chairman, @spmrfoundation reflected on how Deendayal Upadhyaya’s philosophies were the result of years of learning and deep deliberations. He underscored the pivotal role Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee played as a mentor in Upadhyaya’s life, and urged the youth to look up to him as a role model, …


1st Upendranath Bandopadhyay Memorial Lecture 2024

1st Upendranath Bandopadhyay Memorial Lecture 2024 was delivered by Swami Suviranandaji Maharaj, General Secretary, Ramakrishna Math & Mission on : “Swami Vivekananda and the Struggle for India’s Freedom”. Setting the theme, I spoke on Upendranath Bandyopadhyay’s memoirs in Cellular Jail, of his political life dedicated to India’s freedom, of the …


At Sonarpur Dakshin (Jadavpur) addressed a patha-sabha in support of #JusticeForRGKar #JusticeForAbhaya

At Sonarpur Dakshin (Jadavpur) addressed a patha-sabha in support of #JusticeForRGKar #JusticeForAbhaya A deep conspiracy hatched under West Bengal CM to protect the kingpins of this heinous crime. She continues to play-act in order to divert try and attention from the crime and the complicity of people in her known …


At BJP’s Dharna Manch,

At BJP’s Dharna Manch, Dharmatala in solidarity with #RGKarProtest & #JusticeForAbhaya


Joined the BJP “Dharna Manch” at Dharmatala

Joined the BJP “Dharna Manch” at Dharmatala for #JusticeForAbhaya #RGKarProtest #MamataMustResign


At @spmrfoundation an insightful, informed & informative discussion

At @spmrfoundation an insightful, informed & informative discussion on the situation in #Bangladesh – economic, socio-political situation, especially the condition of Hindus and other minorities. A multi-dimensional perspective by veteran diplomat Amb Veena Sikri, former HC of India to Bangladesh, conducted by @live_pathikrit . #Bangladesh


Despite all attempts to silence BJP,we persist, we persevere for #JusticeForRGKar #JusticeForAbhaya

Despite all attempts to silence BJP, we persist, we persevere for #JusticeForRGKar #JusticeForAbhaya At the Dharna Manch in Dharmatala, with the Hon’ble High Court’s permission, because Mamata Banerjee’s “world best” police kept throwing spanners in a all democratic effort to protest against his heinous crime.