“The saga of Shri Narendra Modi @20 began 2 decades ago with the regeneration & resurrection of earthquake ravaged Kutch, 2 decades of relentless, unrelenting, ceaseless service driven by the vision of seeing India rise as a developed nation, rejuvenated civilisation”. In Ghatal
Spoke on “Modi@20:Dreams Meet Delivery” on a day when PM Shri Narendra Modi dedicated the poignant #SmritivanMemorial. Spoke of his epochally successful effort to breath new life into Kutch which augured the success of his later years to rejuvenate India as a civilisational state.
Always a pleasure to meet Ambassador Harsh V Shringla, former Foreign Secretary & currently Chief G20 Coordinator & share thoughts on areas of mutual interest. Presented him with a copy of “Modi@20: Dreams Meet Delivery.”
বনগাঁ সাংগঠনিক জেলা বিজেপি বুদ্ধিজীবী সেলের আহ্বানে আজ নদীয়া জেলার কল্যাণীতে Modi@20-এর উপর আলোচনা সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হল। সেখানে বক্তব্য রাখলাম। বক্তব্য রাখতে গিয়ে প্রসঙ্গক্রমে স্বাধীনতা-পরবর্তী ৭৫ বছরের নানা সাফল্য-ব্যর্থতার কথা উঠে এলো। আলোচনায় উঠে এলো যে, এই ৭৫ বছরের মধ্যে মোদিজীর বিগত ৮ বছরের প্রধানমন্ত্রীত্বকালই হল দেশের চূড়ান্ত অগ্রগতির কাল। …
To understand the #ModiPhenomenon of last 20 years,it is essential to try & know the Narendra Modi of the previous 30 years: a continuum fixated & focused solely on the evolution, advancement & growth of India.Was delighted to speak on “Modi@20: Dreams Meet Delivery” in Kalyani.
In Baruipur, 24 Parganas (s) unveiled a special bust of Dr #SyamaPrasadMookerjee at a moving programme. The talent of our karyakartas is amazing! Spoke of how SPM defended the Tricolour & of how today the entire nation responded to PM Shri Narendra Modi’s call for #HarGharTiranga
The more they prevent, the more statues of SPM we shall erect across #WestBengal. Shared my thoughts: SPM stood against appeasement, dynastic politics & politics of exploitation, he stood for imaginative governance & uncompromising patriotism & had a great dream for India & WB.
Addressed the gathering spoke of the Sankalp of seeing Bharat as Vishwa Guru, of a great India by 2047 & of how we in #WestBengal, have to enhance our faith & belief in the power of Sri Krishna’s “Sudarshan Chakra” to eradicate evil. Great initiative by Pratyush Mandal & team!
Inaugurated a spl two day programme on #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay organised by IGNCA & Ministry of Culture, GoI in Kolkata. When a concerted effort is being made to whitewash history of partition Holocaust, a systematic counter effort is needed to document & disseminate it.
Spent the first day of #AmritKaal with the #AmritKaal generation… #IndiaAt75 #IndependenceDay2022
Visited the Antyoday Anath Ashram in Bhagabanpur, Purba Midnapore. Spent time with some very talented & bright young friends. Spoke to them of PM Shri Narendra Modi’s #AmritKaal vision. BJP MLA from Bhagabanpur Sh Rabindranath Maity was present. #IndiaAt75 #IndependenceDay2022
A crowding of too many emotions as we walked in a silent procession in historic Cooper’s Camp, Ranaghat, Nadia, responding to PM Shri Narendra Modi’s historic call for observing #PartitionHorrorsRemembranceDay. Sometimes referred to as the oldest & yet least known refugee camp.
Early today, visited Rashbehari Bose Research Institute & Museum in Chandernagore. As always was happy to meet Sh Kalyan Chakarborty director & a living encyclopaedia on revolutionary Rashbehari Bose & the freedom movement. Honoured to present him the #Tiranga. #HarGharTiranga
“…A heart that can feel for India, a brain that can think and plan for her greatness, a tongue that can adore her name or hands that can fight in her quarrel.” – Sri Aurobindo Hoisted the Khadi #Tiranga at our home in Kolkata! #HarGharTiranga #AzadiKaAmritMahotsav