
Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi India Rises as a Responsible Power

The Doklam episode and its successful culmination reflect the sagacity, the maturity, the foresight and fortitude of the leadership of Prime Minister Modi. The situation was handled in a manner that displayed a blend of determination, pragmatism, realism and the will to protect and pursue India’s national interest. The direction …


Doklam episode demonstrates India’s civilisational approach

By the time this column appears, the process of disengagement between India and China on the Doklam stand-off might have advanced to a great degree. This is indeed a major diplomatic victory for India and reflects the sagacity, maturity, foresight and fortitude of the leadership of PM Narendra Modi. Not …


Against Deconstructionism

Communism, observed British conservative philosopher Roger Scruton, “is through and through dependent on paranoia – a kind of grand conspiracy theory designed to manufacture illusory enemies so as to maintain itself in being.” In the last three and a half years that Narendra Modi has been in power, there have …



Modi’s vision of India’s civilisational outreach was in full display at the second Samvad gathering: It generated goodwill, confidence and an urge towards a greater synthesis of thought, of direction and of action Despite political vicissitudes, despite the many layers of our relations over the decades, despite challenging phases as …


Resolving Indo-China dynamics

Many an Indian apologist for Chinese expansionism have, over the last one month and more, prolifically written on how the Narendra Modi government’s handling of the current Doklam issue will only aggravate the situation and will not serve the cause of India’s stability and the larger cause of “peace” in …



The Modi-Abe partnership on Samvad looks beyond present stereotypes of soft power and works towards erecting new foundations for civilisational exchange and to put together coalitions of cultures and civilizations A defining feature of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s foreign policy is his sustained and ceaseless emphasis on India’s civilisational dimensions, its …


Transformative leadership

Sometime in 1982, a youthful and energetic worker of the Gujarat BJP, in charge of managing venues and logistics for party meetings and for ensuring that there was a sufficient supply of water and tea, had argued, in a letter, written to a senior leader of the state that a …


Poisonous creed of communism corroding entrails of democracy

“The communist strategy is simple,” philosopher Ram Swarup wrote in his Communists under Communism (1955). “It consists in serial liquidation of ‘enemies’, constituted of all the non-communist opposition and the ‘non-proletarian’ sector of population. Blackmail, vilification, character assassination are the characteristic methods used to achieve this end.” ‘Enemies’ for communists …


Civilisational samvad in Yangon

Dialogue of civilisations and through it, a deeper and lasting coalition of civilisations and of cultures is what is needed in order to create and restructure future global alignments. The increasing challenges to the dimensions of civilisations as we see them today are making leaders – intellectual, political, religious and …



A number of afflicted half-intellectuals and failed leaders abound in India today. And Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi is foremost among them. His shallowness outshines all others Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, during one of those periods when he is afflicted with a compelling urge to churn out some fundamental thought and observations …


Seeing through theatrics

Nehru’s colleague in the Cabinet, Independent India’s first Communications Minister, Rafi Ahmed Kidwai, once observed to veteran journalist Durga Das, that ‘Jawaharlal has performed the last rites not only of Gandhi but of Gandhism as well…’ in a similar vein, one can confidently say that Nehru’s great grandson and present …



Mamata Banerjee has taken West Bengal to a new low in minority vote-bank politics. As worse, she has imperiled the well-being of others, who live in fear of their lives Clearly, the situation in West Bengal is spiralling out of control and deteriorating by the day. The recent spate of mob …


Compradors backing satellite ideology out to destabilise India

In his discussion on cultural self-alienation among a section of present-day Indians, social and political philosopher Ram Swarup makes an interesting description. He talks of a satellite ideology, a local satellite ideology that is derived from a dominant imperialist ideology, and then works through its advocates and mouthpieces in its …


A Great and Passionate Love for Bharatmata – tribute to Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee

In his tribute to Syama Prasad Mookerjee, one of the tallest leaders of modern India, Acharya J.B.Kripalani, expressed and articulated the emotions of millions of his countrymen when he movingly wrote, ‘I wish to record the great and passionate love that he had for Bharatmata and her unity. Only political …