Called on Swami Biswatmananda Ji (Dilip Maharaj) General Secretary, Bharat Sevashram Sangh, at the headquarters in Ballygunge


Called on Swami Biswatmananda Ji (Dilip Maharaj) General Secretary, Bharat Sevashram Sangh, at the headquarters in Ballygunge, greeted him on #Deepavali and #KaliPuja and sought his blessings. Paid obeisance at the living quarters, once sanctified by the presence of Guru Maharaj Acharya Pranavananda Ji. Selflessly working for the marginalised and underprivileged, the monks of BSS constantly inspire and exude simplicity and dedication.

Opinion | How India Has Become A Major Geopolitical Actor And ‘Kalyana-Mitra’

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi concludes another landmark visit to Singapore, one is reminded of recent observations by Singapore’s diplomat-emeritus, Kishore Mahbubani. In a significant remark, Mahbubani asked, “How many leaders in the world can comfortably visit both Russia and Ukraine and be warmly received by both countries? Very few. …

Opinion | Remembering Partition Horrors, Commemorating the Tricolour: PM Modi’s Twin Calls

In 2022, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed declaring August 14 as a day of remembrance for those who suffered the torments of partition and also perished in it, a section of the gatekeepers of history writing and dissemination opposed him. They opposed his naming the remembrance as ‘Partition Horrors …

Era Sezhiyan retrieved and reprinted the Shah Commission Report, which investigated and documented the infamous Indira-Congress imposed Emergency of 1975-77. (Image: AFP File)
Opinion | The Report They Tried to Bury: The Shah Commission and the Emergency

The Indira Gandhi government believed destroying the Shah Commission Report would erase the 1975 Emergency from India’s memory. But history, like truth, has a way of re-emerging The late Era Sezhiyan (1923-2017) was a stellar parliamentarian, public intellectual, writer, political leader, and associate of Annadurai, the founder of the DMK. …