The erudite son of an erudite and illustrious father…….
- By : Dr Anirban Ganguly
- Category : Events, Photo Gallery

The erudite son of an erudite and illustrious father, himself a prolific columnist, author and thinker, who writes extensively on civilisational issues, Bharat’s rise, the challenges before Hindu society and the rise of a civilisational India. Was happy, as always, to meet Utpal Kumar, Opinion Editor, Firstpost and News18 and to discuss new ideas and perspectives. We exchanged our books. His book “Bharat Rising: Dharma, Democracy, Diplomacy” is an unputdownable must read and his latest book “Eminent Distorians” is a much anticipated work that ought to be mandatory reading for us. Presented him my book “From Partition to Progress: Persecuted Hindus the Struggle for Citizenship”. Utpal’s father, late Professor B.B.Kumar, former Chairman of ICSSR, Editor of Dialogue, was a towering intellectual and scholar and an encyclopaedia on India’s northeast having spent decades in that region. I had the privilege and benefit of knowing him very closely especially since my days in the northeast.