Only majority community can end pain of Kashmiri Pandits: BJP leader Ashok Koul
- By : Anirban Ganguly
- Category : In News

Srinagar, June 23: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Thursday said that only the majority community in J&K can end the pain of Kashmiri Pandits who are being selectively targeted by militants.
Speaking on the sidelines of the function commemorating the death anniversary of Dr Shyama Prasad Mukherjee in Tagore Hall, Srinagar, the BJP General Secretary (Organization) Ashok Koul said that Kashmir has witnessed selective killings by militants from the last few months that vindicates the militant organizations that have changed their designs.
He said the militants are targeting people indiscriminately without the association of any religion. “Be it Kashmiri Pandits, Kashmiri Hindus or Kashmiri Muslims, the militants are not sparing anyone,” Koul said and added, “Only majority community in Kashmir can end the pain of Kashmiri Pandits.”
He said from the past few months, militants killed 7 members from the minority community while 14 were killed from the majority community too.
“This methodology proves militants have changed their modus operandi and thereby have resorted to selective killings,” he said.
The BJP leader added that those working for national interest are the prime targets of militants and there is no discrimination of caste, color, creed or religion.
To a query about the to-be held assembly election in J&K, Koul said that the BJP is always ready for polls. “Whenever Election Commission announces the polls, you will find BJP always ready,” he added.
Earlier BJP senior leader Ashish Sood along with Dr. Anirban Ganguly, Director Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Foundation, Ashok Koul and other senior leaders paid floral tributes to Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee on his death anniversary at the function held at Tagore Hall here. Several BJP workers who were killed during militant attacks in J&K were also remembered.
Speaking on the occasion Director, Dr. Syama Prasad Mukerjee Research Foundation, Anirban Gangulay, said the party has reached its peak due to the dedication and that is why the BJP is dyed in the color of patriotism. He said BJP is committed to struggle and sacrifice for the cause of the nation while as other parties ditched the people of J&K for their vested interests.
“Our leaders sacrificed their lives to safeguard this part of India. Today we pay respect to all those who rendered their lives,” Ganguly said.
Ashish Sood, co-incharge J&K said that wherever we find us today is the result of the sacrifice and hard work of workers .There are many political parties but only we can claim to be an organization based party, he claimed.
“We are in existence due to our workers. It’s not a simple event that four generations work in making a party and it continues to function. I salute those workers, all the four generations, which sacrificed them for building the BJP”, he said.