
বিজ্ঞানসাধক আচার্য প্রফুল্লচন্দ্র রায় – হিন্দু জাতিভেদ ও ইসলাম আগ্রাসনের বিরুদ্ধে এক উজ্জ্বল মুখ

নবজাগরণের সময়কালের ভেতর দিয়ে হেঁটে যাওয়া বাংলার চিন্তার জগতে সারা বিশ্বকে পথ দেখানো এক আলোকিত মানুষ তিনি। ইতিহাস চেতনায়, দেশপ্রেমের স্পর্ধিত গানে, সমাজ সংস্কারে, বিজ্ঞানসম্মত-যুক্তিবাদী চিন্তার প্রসারে, শিক্ষাকে কর্মের মধ্যে স্বার্থকতা খুঁজে দেওয়ার অনন্য মানুষ তিনি। সারাজীবন পেটের রোগে ভোগা, শীর্ণকায়,  কার্লাইল-হাবার্ট স্পেনসারের মতো অনিদ্রায় রোগী, বিজ্ঞান গবেষণায় ইতিহাস তৈরী …

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Nehru Was Against Bangladeshi Hindu Refugees Entering India Despite Then Bengal CM’s SOS, Reveals BJP Leader’s New Book

At a time when Prime Minister Narendra Modi has not only voiced his support for Bangladeshi Hindus and other minorities under attack in the neighbouring country but also given Sheikh Hasina safe refuge, a new book by BJP leader Dr Anirban Ganguly makes a sensational claim. The book, which explores …

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Bengali’s Classical Status: A Triumph for India’s Linguistic Heritage

The conferring of classical language status to Bengali is a tribute to the legions of thinkers and scholars who have devoted their best energies and thoughts to its preservation, promotion, and dissemination. The conferring of classical language status to Bengali during ‘Devipaksha’, when the whole of Bengal fervently celebrates Durga …

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US President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. (File image: Reuters)

A Proposed Semiconductor Plant And West Bengal’s Chance to Come Out of The Politics of Disruption

Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently announced, along with US President Joe Biden, the firming up of the deal for the semiconductor plant to be set up in Kolkata In a week, Kolkata and West Bengal saw two major developments in terms of investment, industry, futuristic technology, and advancement. Prime Minister …

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CAA is repayment of debt to Dalit Hindus for supporting Bengali homeland: BJP leader in new book

Guwahati: A new book has argued that the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) is repayment of debt to Dalit Hindus who helped the cause of separate Bengali homeland. It chronicled the spirited campaign among the Dalit leadership, all across Bengal, for the separate “homeland for Bengali Hindus” ahead of the partition …

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PM Modi’s Tribute to Bengal’s Legacy

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has just completed his first hundred days in office in his third term. As the only Prime Minister to be re-elected for an uninterrupted third term since Jawaharlal Nehru, Modi has indeed etched his tenure and name and that of his party’s in the history of …

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Rahul Gandhi’s Grammar of Anarchy: A Recipe for Disaster

Rahul Gandhi, along with his minders and advisers in the Congress, believes that the grammar of anarchy will revive the Congress, help it win more seats, and expand its political footprint across the country The script that Rahul Gandhi reads on foreign soil is rooted in a grammar of anarchy. …

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‘Creator of values’

In line with Prime Minister Modi’s vision, India is re-emerging as a global knowledge hub, exemplified by the relaunch of Nalanda University and international IIT campuses, among other things It was a fortuitous coincidence that just around the time that the Nalanda University was re-inaugurated, symbolising the achievement of a …

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How India Has Become A Major Geopolitical Actor And ‘Kalyana-Mitra’

As Prime Minister Narendra Modi concludes another landmark visit to Singapore, one is reminded of recent observations by Singapore’s diplomat-emeritus, Kishore Mahbubani. In a significant remark, Mahbubani asked, “How many leaders in the world can comfortably visit both Russia and Ukraine and be warmly received by both countries? Very few. …

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Opinion | Remembering Partition Horrors, Commemorating the Tricolour: PM Modi’s Twin Calls

In 2022, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed declaring August 14 as a day of remembrance for those who suffered the torments of partition and also perished in it, a section of the gatekeepers of history writing and dissemination opposed him. They opposed his naming the remembrance as ‘Partition Horrors …

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Era Sezhiyan retrieved and reprinted the Shah Commission Report, which investigated and documented the infamous Indira-Congress imposed Emergency of 1975-77. (Image: AFP File)

Opinion | The Report They Tried to Bury: The Shah Commission and the Emergency

The Indira Gandhi government believed destroying the Shah Commission Report would erase the 1975 Emergency from India’s memory. But history, like truth, has a way of re-emerging The late Era Sezhiyan (1923-2017) was a stellar parliamentarian, public intellectual, writer, political leader, and associate of Annadurai, the founder of the DMK. …

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PM Modi conferred with Russia’s highest national award, the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle by President Vladimir Putin in Kremlin. (Image/X)

Opinion | PM Modi’s Russia Visit: A Symbolic Dimension

In a historic moment, as Prime Minister Narendra Modi was being conferred Russia’s highest civilian award, the Order of Saint Andrew the Apostle the First-Called, by President Vladimir Putin within the historic precincts of the Kremlin, one’s mind wandered to the innumerable scholars and thinkers who shaped the India-Russia narrative …

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Sandeshkhali is to Mamata Banerjee what Marichjhapi was to Jyoti Basu. (PTI/File)

Opinion | Why Sandeshkhali is the New Marichjhapi

The Marichjhapi scale was much bigger, but the mindset that drove the Marichjhapi massacre and the Sandeshkhali subjugation and exploitation is the same. Jyoti Basu got away with Marichjhapi, but Sandeshkhali will prove to be Mamata Banerjee’s undoing Sandeshkhali is to Mamata Banerjee what Marichjhapi was to Jyoti Basu. Marichjhapi …

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To Rid Free India of Symbols of Subjection

What could not be done in 60 years, Narendra Modi has done in a decade and India’s rise on the ladder as an economic power from 11th position to 5th best signifies the scale of transformation and performance The BJP’s national council meet – its national convention – concluded on …

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